specialist species occupy narrow niches. they may be able to live in only one type of habitat, use one or a few types of food, or tolerate a narrow range of climatic and other environmental conditions. this makes specialists more prone to extinction when environmental conditions change.
to stay alive, grow , and reproduce, producers must use some of the chemical energy stored in the biomass they make for their own respiration. net primary productivity (NNP) is the rate at which producers use photosynthesis to produce and store chemical energy minus the rate at which they use some of this stored chemical energy through aerobic respiration. in other piratio. NNP = GPP - R where R is energy used in respiration. NNP measures how fast producers can provide the nutrients or chemical energy stored in their tissus that is potentially available to other organisms (consumers) in an ecosystem.
primary productivity is similar to the rate at which you make money, or the number of dollars you earn per year. net primary productivity is like the amount of money earned per year that you can spend after subtracting your work expenses such as transportation, clothes, food, and supplies.
初期生產力就是當你所賺的錢或者你每月所賺的錢夠除掉你的生活運輸客運 衣服 食物 就是淨出級生產力.